Interstate Adoption

Minnesota Adoption Law Firm

In our highly connected world, adoptions often cross state lines, with birth mother residing in one state and adoptive parents in another. When this occurs, the parties need to carefully comply with not only each state’s adoption laws but also the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC).

Commonly referred to as the “ICPC,” this federal law sets standard procedures and requires communication with the “sending” and “receiving” states so that children are protected and not “falling through the cracks” as they move from one state to another.

As a member of the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, Brittany has access to, and experience working with, a network of qualified adoption attorneys throughout the United States, and can help secure birth parent representation in other states or just answers to your questions.

Interstate adoptions can sometimes seem overwhelming to adoptive parents, who must wait for ICPC approval before they may return home with the child. Shively Law Office, LLC., has years of experience helping families through the ICPC process as efficiently and quickly as possible. We know you want to get home and will work hard to make your ICPC experience as stress-less as possible.


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